Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Streamstudios: 2012


The year is here. So i now have to make a blogpost about it.

I am copying my friend Matthew, from Geektube, and going to set goals for the new year. It is currently 2-15-2012 as I write this now, so i have already wasted 2 months without any goals.

I am REALLY wanting to reach partnership by the end of the year, which is by no means impossible. Some youtubers have less than me, and they have partner. But, my subscriber goal, I would want atleast 1000 subscribers by the end of the year!

Ok, this is the one that I am wanting to be bumped up. Currently, i have a decent amount of subscribers, but all of my video views probably end up averaging out to be about 100, which is not good. I would REALLY want for my view average to be 500 views. That would be a cool view number to have.

Video making:
I am really wanting to upload more videos more often. I have begun to get better at that, but i am worried that i will end up stop uploading again, and then more people would un-subscribe and stuff. I am wanting to make better quality videos, and just better videos in general. I know for sure that i will be getting a pretty badass computer by the end of the year, so making better quality videos is a pretty near goal.

Video likes/comments:
If there was one thing that i would have bumped up, it would be these. I LOVE getting input from you guys! It is just so fun opening up my inbox and finding a comment that tells me i am doing a good job! I love getting feedback! It lets me know that people actually watch my videos, and care. <3

I really want my blog to be more popular. Why? because I type all this and it seems to be pretty useless because no one really reads it. So; I want to have 10 followers on the blog by the end of the year.

Probably one of my favorite things to make/edit/do/listen to. I LOVE LOVE LOVE making and editing the Streamcast. It is so fun! One problem... no one listens to it. Please go to THIS LINK to see Matthew and I's podcast. I want to have atleast TWO GOOD REVIEWS by the end of the year. That would be cool.

Like Matthew, I want to have 50 likes.

Again, like Matthew, I want to have 50 followers.

I want a better integrated website. That's all. Oh, and a few more members would be cool :D

I want to be somewhat known on youtube, mainly in the graphics community. I want to be apart of that. I love graphics. Oh, and I love Minecraft <3

Thanks for reading! Spread the word, tell people about the post and my goals! CLICK HERE for my youtube channel!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

I want Skyrim. Now.

Ok, so as you know Christmas is coming up and I have yet to find out that i am getting an X-box. I know that I am, due to my Mom's behavior upon the subject, and the game that i want absolutley the most is Skyrim.

Now, you have had to have heard of the game at some point of your life. I watched an amazing review on the game, and it said that it will last you well over 100 hrs. If you play it and you want to find secrets, 500+ hours. Wow. Another reason I want the game is because i want to fight DRAGONS.

Also, if you have to be wondering, I would want to stack up my Mage skills and become a wizard. Why? because in the review Jeremy Jahns said that if you do become a mage, you can at one point basically put a nuke in the guys mouth and watch him blow. "So gratifying, dude!" exclaimed Jeremy.  So, are you getting Skyrim/X-box for Christmas? If you are getting Skyrim, what are you looking forward to most? I look forward to the nuke thing i mentioned earlier. If you are getting an x-box, because you are late like me, what game are you looking forward the most to play?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

I am addicted to Harry Potter.

As I am writing this blog post, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is playing through my ears. This has had to be the 3rd time I watched this in a month. Sad, isn't it? And, oddly enough, I have only read the first book. I am trying to get a hold of a boxed, hardcover set of the series, but it will be at least 10 days before I order it. I found it online for $108, and I want to know if you know of a cheaper set. Not used, not on ebay. A new set of hardcover Harry Potter books for less than $108. If so, let me know on my Twitter, or comment on here.

That is about it. I am just trying to blog at LEAST once a day.

End of 2011 Schedule

So 2011 is officially coming to an end, being that we are at month 9 out of 12. So I am going to do what my friend did, and tickle you with a teaser from now till the end of 2011. If you would like to see his blogpost, click here


Monster Energy Speed Art
Speed Art Competition
Intro Competition
Techno Playground
Apollo 18 Spoof
How to make a Shiny Button
Advanced Reflections in Photoshop
Vlog #1?
Making Christmas Lights in Photoshop
2012 New Year's Speed Art

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Movies and other stuff...

Ok, so I just got back from watching Lion King 3D and it was good. But the problem was: it was converted 3D. Not to say that the movie or the 3D was bad or anything, but the fact that they decide to take a perfectly good, classic film, and bring it back on the big screen, and its in converted 3D? C'mon, that's not right. Even DISNEY is screwing us over in money. First Hollywood, and now Disney. They need to figure out something fast, because a lot of the movies that have been coming out sucked. Especially 2010. But who knows? Maybe the last few months of 2011 will turn out to be good. Maybe we can rely on Happy Feet 2 and The Muppets. Yipee. But there are some good titles coming out the next couple months like: Sherlock Holmes, Immortals, Puss in Boots, and Real Steel. But there may be one movie that will put an end to all happiness when it comes to movies: Twilight. Yeah, good luck movie lovers. Part 1 of... Twilight is coming to you soon. Hooray.

Ok, so enough of the bad stuff, like sparkling "vampires", lets get to the fun stuff. Real Steel: I can't wait to see that. That looks good, but the bad thing is is that the trailer to it is like the entire movie in 2 minutes, not what a trailer is supposed to be. You already knows what happens: the main dude used to be a fighter, now robots fight, he is losing money or something so he has to build a new robot because his old one died or something, he finds a new robot with his son or whoever he is, they work on the robot, the robot becomes one of the best fighter, and they all live happily ever after. That is my guess at what's going to happen in the movie. I still want to see it though, to get all of the missing details in. And who knows? Maybe I am wrong! I hope I am, so I can go it there and not expect it, but the trailer is honestly the movie in 2 minutes.

What about Immortals? This movie almost looks like 300 without the fun "man" stuff, if ya know what I mean. This movie looks extremely good, mostly because I love Greek Mythology. I find it interesting, probably because I love the Percy Jackson series! Anyways, this movie looks like a fun action movie with greek mythology and gods and all that good stuff. Can't wait to see it!

"Shrek 1/2" or "Puss in Boots" Remember how great Lion King 1 and 2 was? My favorite disney animations there are. But then they went and created Lion King 1/2, which featured Timone and Pumba's past, and what they were doing throughout the movie, and made everything connect. I didn't really like how they did that, to make the side characters' own movie like that, it just wasn't right to me. But know they are making Puss in Boots, or as I like to call it "Shrek 1/2" mostly because they are doing around the same thing as Disney did with Lion King. A side character's own movie. But this looks much better than Lion King 1/2 did, mostly because it doesn't involve Shrek at all, and just the side character. And I have always wondered while I was watching Shrek 2, what was Puss's story? Why did he end up there? Huh? So hopefully this movie will answer some of those questions. Also, it looks pretty funny.

Ok, so in conclusion to my longest blog post to date, I would like to say what movie I am looking forward to most in 2012, which is a toss up between The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises. Ok, that is it! Make sure to go to my youtube channel and podcast! (Streamcast and YT Channel is Streamstudios)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Making, Making, Making

Creating a new desktop wallpaper while using the iPad app Air Display. Highly recommend it. For the new background, im going for a "apple" feel, because i am about to get a macbook here in the next couple months. Any really good apps i should get for my iPad? Needing a new game... Tweet me @streamedstudios

Zapd iPhone App review

An iPhone app that is not alot of people know about, is called Zapd. Zapd lets you make a blog straight from your iPhone or iPod touch. Before I even go over it, here is an example Zapd blog that I made: Click!

Zapd lets you share some of your favorite pictures and thoughts straight from your mobile device. Yes, it is free. It also features many different themes and options for your blog. It is made to be viewed on a mobile device, but there is also a desktop version that doesn't look to eye catching, but that's okay. Also, there are different options to share it on Facebook, Twitter, and Email, so you could show your family and friends what you have been up to. Another great thing about this app, is that you could make a many "Zaps" as you want to, so you could have one for your 2011 Vacation, Pets, and just total screwing around. This app does crash on occasion, but not very often. Then again, most apps crash on occasion. So you shouldn't be too worried about that. But, with all of the Pros in this app, there are the Cons. For one there is no organization, or "grouping" feature. So if you are like me, and only want to have one Zapd Blog, you can't make groups of pictures or blog posts. So it is all somewhat cluttered. There is also no iPad app, which is surprising because blogging on your iPad would be much more fun than on a tiny iPhone, or iPod Touch. Another huge downside, is that there are no RSS feeds integrated with this app. I was trying to add my Zap to my Google Reader, and after not finding it and doing some research, there is no RSS readers. So, I couldn't put it on my Pulse, or Flipboard app, which was a little aggravating. But, in the end, it is a free, small little app that lets you blog on the go, so you really can't expect much out of it. I say that in the end it is a 5 out of 5 stars. Definitely download this app, and if you don't like it in the end, just delete it! Thanks for reading, and more posts are coming soon.